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Norlington School and Sixth Form


SEN Inclusion Policy

Waltham Forest SEND Local Offer


We provide a range of in-class support and small-group or individual withdrawal, depending on the student’s special educational needs and the learning to be covered.

Depending on the level of need in the school, small group or individual interventions may focus on a combination of the following:

  • Language and Communication
  • Vocabulary
  • Higher Order Language Skills
  • Literacy skills
  • Numeracy skills
  • Self-Management skills
  • Assertiveness
  • Counselling
  • Social Skills
  • Mentoring Program

We run homework and numeracy clubs every day which are staffed by at least 2 members of the team. SEN and EAL students are encouraged to attend to ensure they are able to complete the work expected of them. Every Friday afternoon, we also run additional Literacy support groups.

If you have a particular concern about your son and special educational needs, please contact Ms.S Devlin via email at